Wednesday, October 27, 2010

public speaking class gives me such a beautiful memory in my life. i think this is the best class in this semester because it has a lot of fun and sadness.
for my first assignment, my beloved lecturer, MADAM HARTINI asks the whole class to do a collage about self. i am so excited and nervous because that is my first time i need to interact in front of people alone.
second assignment, we are asked to do a forum by grouping. my group is the first group to do the forum and it makes us so nervous and afraid to perform. but we need to do our forum once again because our lecturer did not satisfied and she is so disappointed with our performance. that is a worse memory because we make our lecturer sad and high temperature.
the best memory is when i enjoy with my friends' performance. some of my classmate are good in entertaining people. they know how to interact, attract others with their jokes and body language. i feel like having so much fun in public speaking class.


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